Faculdade de Engenharia

Faculdade de

Mestrado em Engenharia de Petróleos

What is a Petroleum Engineer?
Petroleum engineers design and develop methods for producing oil and gas from geologic formations deep below the Earth’s surface.  Petroleum engineers also find new ways to safely produce oil and natural gas from older wells that have been producing for decades.
The Master’s Program curriculum has been developed in collaboration with UEM professors, Anadarko experts, and U.S. professors from leading petroleum engineering programs ( Colorado School of Mines Pennsylvania State, University Texas A&M University Texas Tech, University of Houston University of Tulsa ).

Petroleum Engineering Curriculum


Program Overview
Core Program courses

The Core program is a prerequisite to the Graduate Program. Is a one-year intoductory program that presents foundational Petroleum Engineering concepts to students prior to the start of the more rigorous Master’s Program. Students will receive a certificate upon successful completion.  Core courses include:

  • Geoscience for Petroleum Engineers — Covers basic geoscience concepts, methods and tools used in oil and natural gas exploration and development.
  • Drilling and Completions Systems — Intuduces petroleum engineering, rheology, rotary drilling and well completion practices.
  • Reservoir Engineering and Petrophysics — Intruduces reservoir description techniques and engineering methods related to Petroleum reservoirs.
  • Production Operations and Facilities Engineering — covers basic production operations and surface processing and tretments facilities.

Master’s Program courses

Upon completion of the Core Program, students may apply for enrollment in the Master’s Program. Eight distinct courses in Petroleum Engineering:

  • Advanced Drilling—expands on the initial drilling course and covres developments in computer processing.
  • Advanced Production Engineering — Provides foundational lessons in production operation and production analysis and troubleshooting procedures.
  • Advanced Reservoir Engineering — covers the theory and application of advanced pressure-transient analysis techniques.
  • Applyed Math Of fluid in Porous Media — Covers the mathematical techniques to formulate and solve fluid-flow problems in porous media.
  • Formation Evaluetion — Covers tools and techniques for determining and evaluating petroleum formation properties and data interpretation of data.
  • Phase Behavior — Intruduces phase behavior of petroleum fluid change and its impact on reservoir and production perfomance.
  • Integrated Reservoir Management — Focuses on integrating geological, geophysical and engineering data to predictict future reservoir perfomance and associeted uncertainties.

Consists of original research on a topic choosen by students and their advisors. Topics are focused on their value to Mozambique exploration, drilling, production, facilities, and oil and natural gas industry infrastructure.

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